The condition of being so bounded by one's beliefs that one ends up with shit for brains.
Yesterday's Supreme Court decision, which supported the idea that religion is more important than a woman's health, is clearly a case of cognitive dysentery
by Pablo DiAblo July 1, 2014
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When your nose won't stop spewing out substances that you would rather not see.
Also known as the Common Cold.
ACHOO!" "Bless you." "Thanks. Dysentery of the nose SUCKS." "I know, right?
by Tiffany Aching September 7, 2010
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1. The leading cause of death when moving west on the Oregon Trail;

Shows how old-school you are when it comes to gaming.
Person 1: I think I should eat some raw meat today!

Oregon Trail: You have died of dysentery.

by Dr. Foxy January 4, 2011
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