On a 5+ table, dropping a dollar underneath baits the unsuspecting fool and one holds him down while everyone farts at once.
On our last guys night out, the newbie got the dutch oven restaurant and gagged on his lunch under the table.
by Chuckie Sue July 23, 2022
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A gas oven used in the process of either heating or burning dutch people.
Guy: Damn, that's a hot dutch gas oven. Bet It'll be able to burn some Dutches!
by white4life69 December 2, 2017
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Similar to a standard Dutch Oven however you hock a loogie on the ceiling above the head of the person you are attempting to Dutch Oven. The person is then forced to choose. Option #1 let the loogie fall and hit them in the face or Option #2, pull the covers over their head and hold their breathe until the loogie falls, thus self inflicting the Dutch Oven.
Hey Jonny how did that Modified Dutch Oven Go last night? Great she went for option 2 and ran out of breathe. She ended up with both options.. It was EPIC>>
by vinnypo3 March 4, 2011
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