Satan's proxy here on earth, passing as a Catholic high school religion teacher. When given any challenge to the Catholic faith, they will damn you to hell for all eternity.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"No, DuPont told me I was going to hell today."

"Are you gonna study for the test?"
"Nah! DuPont said I can bullshit with the best of 'em."
by DeeMeme 420 September 28, 2022
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-Dupont: a seemingly clichéd French surname, though it is in fact pretty uncommon, and most importantly, it’s pronunciation in French is romantic as fuck .
-Valentine: your current crush/ someone you’re in love with.

Hence, « Valentine Dupont » = the ideal french person you can spend your life with. Sex appeal > 9000.
Brandon: Aye wanker, I’ve heard you were moving to France ? Are ya outta ya bloody mind to give gobbie to this people of Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys ?

Sam: Bog off mate. I ought to mate with my «Valentine Dupont » there.

Brandon: Me lad’s right. British gals ain’t nothin’ but shite compared to damsel Dupont, thine Valentine.
by 15.11.S.Secret. November 23, 2021
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