Drink some piss

Australian slang term "To Drink some beer"
The lads are going to the pub to "Drink some piss"
by GS71 April 4, 2015
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Drink My Own Piss

The Motto of Bear Grylls.

New studies indicate that piss is the elixir of youth.

and youtube.com/watch?v=tjlbc5IPhgI to watch how it's technically done.

Go to buzzfeed.com/awesomer/survival-tips-from-bear-grylls
for more tips from the master.
Me:Why the fuck are judging this? Have you ever drank your own piss? If I say it's the elixir of youth, I mean it's the elixir of youth!!!

Bear Grylls: You tell 'em, Nick. The sun's going down, better Drink My Own Piss. Wait, I'm out of my own piss. Hey Nick

Me : Yeah?

Bear Grylls: I'm out of my own piss..... I better Drink Your Piss, mate.
by Nick Karoshi June 29, 2011
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Piss Drinking Bastard

Ken Ham the insult is drawn from two Old Testament references in the King James Version that torques the Independent Baptists when you really point this out, 2 Kings 18:27 and Hebrews 12:8 from the same translation. The insult came from the joint weighing in on the movement with the historian behind NoLifeTilMetal as he pointed out "bastard" as I pointed out "drink your own piss and eat your own dung." We started chuckling like kids who were swearing outside of parental earshot.
You have evangelicals thinking "sex" is a cuss word until they see someone call a young earth creationist a "piss drinking bastard" as you have sites that advocate King James Only Movement and cite Dr. Dino as their source of academia. This will especially piss off Pensacola when you hint that they've produced a dog-fucker from Craigslist. Then they blush when you point out where you found these two.
by illinoishorrorman January 26, 2018
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Drinking Piss

Drinking piss is the opposite of drinking tea aka having drama to spill. It’s when someone doesn’t really have good information or they have false info or rumors.
They keep talking about me and don’t know shit about what actually happened, they’re drinking piss.
by Ememekwkwksks January 19, 2024
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Drink Piss from a Basin

To consume any and all alcohol presented with no regard to type, taste, status etc

Often used as a retort when someone makes claim as to the high quality of a alcoholic product, only for their taste in alcohol to be questions. And/or there is inference the person is an alcoholic so would drink anything coming their way.
Person A - This drink goes down really easily, is really nice, etc
Person B - Of course it does, You'd drink piss from a basin.
by MrSunTan99 May 30, 2022
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