Dome Piece

1. Another name for your head.
2. A freestyle, (right off the dome)
1.John: Yo! That dude got kicked in his Dome Piece!
2. Yo, that Dome Piece you just spit was hot!
by Tylernnnnnnn December 9, 2010
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Dome Piece

1) A Female That Likes To Perform Sexual Acts With Many Males

2) A Female Thats Life Revolves Around Penis

3) A Female From John Jay High School
In Conversation:

"...That Lauren is such a dome piece..."

"...Do you see that dome piece over there?..."
by 420foxlane420 February 4, 2010
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Dome Piece

1)Check out my awesome new Dome Piece
2)it's cold outside i better wear a Dome Piece
by Sugar Cain March 20, 2009
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Dome Piece

It's not ur head itself. It's an accessory that can be placed on one's head.

Such as a Hat, Beanie, Headband, Do rag, etc.
Chuck: Hey, did you check out Chris' new dome piece he got from Lids?

Mikey: Yea, that new Nuggets joint is sick!
by BricklayerTCK May 17, 2009
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Dome Piece

1. From the top of your head.
2. Term used to describe an idea that was illustrated without prior thought or process.
3. A haircut at the barber shop.
What up money I got this new hook of the dome Piece, Peep this.
by John Fiasco October 6, 2006
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dome pieced

Verb.The acted of getting hit or shot in the head often used by gamers to describe a nice head shot.
Did you see that head shot?
Yea that guy got dome pieced.
by ajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj January 27, 2009
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dome piece

Another name for your head. Usually used in connection with striking your head.
I just cracked you up side the dome piece!
You just got your dome piece smacked around!
by T-Dog! February 28, 2003
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