domain name

The main web address to visit usually the homepage of a website. Sometimes called a URL. is a domain name, and it is for sale right now.
I bought the domain name, because I planned on building a website.
by Rhljr June 8, 2023
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domain scientist

What machine learning and computer science professionals call scientists in any field but their own.
The model is confused, I guess we'll have to find some domain scientist to help us understand the problem we're solving.
by Johnlange January 23, 2021
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domain hunting

The act of typing in random phrases in the adress bar on your internet browser in search of entertaining websites. This act is usually a result of complete boredom.
"I was so bored last night, I went domain hunting."

"What do you mean?"

"I was typing in things like and looking to see if anything funny came up. It was a complete wastenado of my time."
by David's Wick October 7, 2011
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Domain Of Sand

Domain Of Sand - Domain Of Sand Or InFormally Known As DOS: is a place where sex offenders, pedophiles and full blown racists can live in peace and harmony.
“dude don’t go near that guy he is from domain of sand
by MasaxChronic August 30, 2023
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Fragmented Domain

"Chomik lives here..."
Person 2: Yea, i already got into Fragmented Domain, and im about to get the chomik...
by CoolDogeX June 5, 2022
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domain investors

Most domain investors are fucking idiots. They rely on registering a popular (and not so popular) words and dream to resell the name later to some enterprise for millions dollars, inspired by success of previous investors. They forget that a language offers unlimited number of possible letter and word combinations which is impossible to register.

The really valuable domain names consist of one word, perfectly describe the content of website, very memorable and can be used commercially. Examples: They ARE worth millions. All valuable domains were registered until 2000 (except for upcoming social events, brand names, movies, books etc).

Anything like,, or even is NOT really valuable. Even if abbreviation of a company name consists of wcqz they will find a way to register it by expanding one word moving to another domain extension etc, and will get better search rank in Google for "wcqz".
Lots of domain investors only loose their money over time paying the registration fees.

There're about 17k+ of and over 450k+ of and all registered. Some dumbasses pay $500+ for domain name like that and think it will go up in value. Well, that happens if they find someone more stupid.
by Antispark April 15, 2008
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Domain Expansion

Domain expansion is an advanced barrier technique that manifests the user's Innate Domain.
Aidil Danish : Domain expansion infinite dick.He ntr ur mum infinitely and endlessly until ur mum either died of hunger of too much cum.

Musa : Domain expansion endless shave.First he shave all of your hair.then,your cloth.after that your skin.Then meat and finally bone until u reduced into atoms.

Haziq : Domain expansion white sanctuary.He turn everything white and clean included your heart make ur kind and good.Ur just reborn.

Fazroul : Domain expansion unlimited loli.He make ur have child fetish and lock u in jail.

Aidil b : Domain expansion Kamekaze.He will stop the time forever so u stuck in it forever with him.Kinda sweet right?
by Ninja gen November 17, 2021
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