One who has a man dingo

The ultimate dick of all Dicks

Signature sex move: Big Dick Powerboat

Ultimate Signature: Dicknado
The Big Dick dinna Nigga has taken over all pussy in the world.
by Big dick dinna nigga December 21, 2016
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Exactly what it says on the tin. Dont annoy the neds or they'll get al their little ned freinds to beat the crap out of you.
me-"oh crap, neds."
neds-"oi.ya pure mental schwetty!"
neds-"whit ye starin at!"
me-" the ground, what does it look like!"
neds-"OI! Dinnae mess or the YMG al smash ye!"
by let me die for rock n roll January 5, 2004
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of scottish origin, fameous in the song "The Birkin Tree".

Means: dont trust/count on it
Oh lad, my haun' I canna gi'e
But aiblins I man steal the key
And I'll meet ye at yon birkin tree
That grows doon in the glen O
But dinnae lippen, laddie
I canna promise, laddie
Oh dinnae lippen, laddie
In case I canna win O
by witek March 12, 2008
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DINNA....Dinna dinna DINNA DINNA
by the daRK BOMBER June 6, 2023
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