Dead joke

When a joke is over-used and becomes "dead". It was funny at first, but now it's fucking annoying.
Travis: So I was on top of the mountain yesterday....
Jacob: Your mom was on top of me yesterday!
Travis and others: Hahahahahahaha!!
Travis: Anyway, in the car...
Jacob: Your mom was in the car!
Travis and others: Dead joke bro. Shut up.
by defmasta232 August 30, 2010
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Dead Joke

A joke that doesn’t bang.

Usually told by people called Miles.
Miles: Tells a joke

Anyone he ever talks to: “Miles, that was a dead joke.”
by Fallis February 28, 2019
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Dead Baby Jokes

any joke or attempt to get others to laugh while making light of dead babies. These tend to have a large amount of shock value, and sometimes shouldn't be told in the office.
Q: What has 4 legs and one arm?
A: A Doberman in a children's playground!

Q: What's the difference between a truck load of dead babies and a truck
load of bricks?
A: You can't use a pitchfork on bricks.

Q: How do you make a dead baby float?
A1: One glass of Root Beer and two scoops of baby.
A2: Take your foot off its head.

Q: What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?
A: When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.
by The Dingo February 5, 2005
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Dead Baby Jokes

Whats the differnce between a shiny red Corvette and a pile of dead babies?
I do not have a shiny red Corvette in my garage.
by TheD8001 April 16, 2005
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dead baby joke

Simply the best kind of joke there is.
Q: What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline? A: When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.
by cakelove May 11, 2005
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Dead Baby Jokes

A couple Dead Baby Jokes

Q:How many dead babies does it take to paint a fence?

A:It depends on how hard u throw them.

Q:What's more disgusting that ten dead babies nailed to one tree?

A:One dead baby nailed to ten different trees.
by CottleZanze November 25, 2006
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dead baby joke

Occasionally brilliant pieces of wordplay featuring dead babies (if you couldn't figure that last bit out alone, kill yourself). Tasteless, but make a great icebreaker!
1: I've got a dead baby joke.
2: *groans in disgust and anticipation, as much sense as that shit makes*
1: What sound does a dead baby make in a blender?
2: Oh Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, not this shit again... what?
1: I don't know, I was too busy laughing.
by The God-Emperor April 12, 2008
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