Saxon is the type of guy who loves to talk to women, He loves to wreck his bike and do stupid things. But overall a cool guy and has a great receding hairline.
Saxon Charles Wiremu Darlington Gets all the Girls
by Hot Beta Male 69 August 8, 2022
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A 1-star hygiene rated dosser land. Full of 14 year olds with children and a packet of fake Richmond ciggarettes to “save eachother half” on.
“There’s the state on the Burger King Darlington dossers
by Idontgiveafuckwhatabitchsay October 22, 2019
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When you get some shunt in your undies.
Brb gotta go wipe my Darlington Stripe! #LOL”
by DeezNutsLOL88 February 27, 2021
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A strong beautiful woman who has been through a lot but can still put a smile on your face if you’re having a terrible day, with her words. She loves the Lord with all her heart and is dedicated to doing things that make Him happy. She’s an all rounder as she can fit into anywhere you put her and can relate with anyone no matter who it is. She never looks down on anyone and is always willing to help in anyway she can. She’s a great choice as a friend and an even better choice as a partner in relationship or marriage. She’ll definitely make a great Mother. Get you a Darlington today and you’ll never regret.
Friends: Who is that beautiful Lady?!
Guy: It’s my wife Darlington.
by Sushified November 24, 2021
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Darlington is the opposite of darling. It’s a bad expression used to express the hatred for soemone.
Darlington, I don’t like you.
by harry styles 7 September 13, 2022
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Word use to express the insane attractiveness and mannerism displayed by Eskayshotit
by Eskayshotit December 22, 2022
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