An individual who is not very smart.
Randon Person 1: "What's the score mate?"

Random Person 2: "Haw, check the scoreboard you dafty cunt"
by G November 23, 2003
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When an animal has a puffed out chest, a big belly, and/or a rump that resemble’s a duck’s butt. Duck’s butts start out really big and poofy, and then the tip is small. It’s all about excessive poofiness !
My lionhead bunny has a dafty rear end.
by Caitlynjennerthethird November 1, 2022
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A Hibee
Someone who supports the scum
Please also see schemey, numpty or steamer
Person 1: Alright mate, what fitba team do you support?
Person 2: Hibs!
Person 1: Ya fuckin dafty!
by Paul McGregor August 13, 2004
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I was sittin on the bus an a got a half dafty

I couldnae get it up that wee burd, ah only had a half dafty
by Frank Mac December 31, 2008
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Pretending to be stupid and incompetent so that no one ever asks you to do a particular task
I dont know if Dave is actually stupid, or just being dafty crafty -he told me he didnt know how to open a tin of beans and I ended up cooking the breakfast!
by trylobyte February 1, 2023
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To have sex with somebody of the opposite sex who is below the average standard, just for the fun of it, no strings attatched.
Person A: Would You Fuck Her?

Person B: Yeah, Only On A Dafty Though.
by jack-boro June 1, 2010
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