something that mel gibson believes in.....go braveheart!!!
Executioner: The prisoner wishes to say a word.
William Wallace: FREEEEE-DOMMMMMM!

William Wallace: "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"
by Sourskittle69185 August 8, 2005
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To pay a member of an ethnic community to whip one's testicles for sexual pleasure. Payment can be made by driving a 2010 red ford fiesta or by having sexual intercourse with anything that is considered mainstream.
My mate Glen got S L E W E D last night. He loves it though, he gets S L E W E D every night.
by JOhnTheMR.Funnyman September 6, 2010
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A noble cause often used for the purposes of evil
Person 1: Hey did you see we are going to kill people to spread freedom!
Person 2: Yeah, lets force that freedom on their asses

How can the war be bad? we are spreading F r e e d o m
by Devster April 9, 2006
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An overrated value of denouncing all sorts of economical, political, cultural, familial, psychological, spiritual and emotional bounds, which once -if ever- achieved leaves one with immense anguish due to the unbearable burden of taking responsibility for certain choices and simultaneously excluding endless others and giving up the sweet warmth of being able to blame others. Such desperation leads one to reconsider the value of freedom and makes one often wish that ones freedom is quickly taken back in order for one to regain a sense of identity and blissfully start blaming others again.

The peaceful sense of fulfilment achieved by a spiritual being who has completed the process of growth, by successfully taking responsibility for his/her choices, feels content with his/her life's work and relational evolution and is ready to move on from life.
You have the F r e e d o m to do whatever you want, (as long as it is what I want).
adult child: o.k. (as long as I can blame you for the rest of my life).

I am not hoping for anything,
I am not afraid of anything,
I have F r e e d o m!

Nikos Kazantzakis
by Aniretak October 12, 2007
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A good mod on r/gachalifecringe offical discord. Also is Carson. But carson bad. Carson hates Obama after simping for him 😤. They used to be in a relationship but broke up 😭😭😭😭
Man did you hear how Carson aka i n h a l e a i r o r d i e and Obama broke up?
by YesimheretoaddGLCmods June 23, 2020
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When you are bored and have nothing to do, so you type all the letters on the keyboard. From A to Z in space
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
by boonrod2008 April 21, 2020
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really the ABC's lowercase with a space between them
I'm typing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z and see what happens (Him being a mad man)
by de retard January 13, 2021
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