Dude, I walked into ol' Corn Dog's office, asked what he had for dinner and chucked his stapler at my face.
by TimmyJohnson September 25, 2019
Man gives a woman anul, than the woman takes a shit on the mans penis. The man pulls out with the shit still on his penis which makes it look like a corn dog. Than the woman eats it.
by You know me1234 March 12, 2014
A dish prepared by collecting digested corn from your shit, frying it again to eat, or serve to a certain someone
by Bobisdank June 25, 2024
by Kayem September 29, 2017
by mr.creative.com March 23, 2011
When your sexual partner takes a cooked corn cob and rails your anus with it causing the kernels to fall off and then sucks the sweet Kernels out of your asshole
by Dirtball McGee July 14, 2020