Come to Jesus meeting

"Come To Jesus Meeting" "A time when a polite ultimatum is given, generally followed by a less polite ultimatum, then a threat or final option. This is a Texas (or southerner) definition. Usually followed by a parental spanking if issues to a child or an ass kicking if mentioned by a Texan. Other uses include interventions and family/business meetings.
Sir, this is your only option and if you do not want to do this, then you can come down here and we will have a "come to Jesus meeting".
by InkedMayhem November 30, 2016
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come to jesus meeting

A meeting where someone close to you (e.g. friend, family, etc.) are confronted over behavior that's causing consternation that's negatively effecting your relationship.
"You and your brother need to have a come to jesus meeting over you always having to do his chores and yours."
by DC Daly May 12, 2009
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come to jesus meeting

A meeting in which a group discusses their flaws. Nobody can interupt another and they can't put words in somebody else's mouth (she doesnt like me).
After this terrible week, the staff really needs a come to jesus meeting.
by BmsGrad January 2, 2009
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