Referring to something as complete utter bullshit, but using the phrase in spanish slang, hence Hay Coño. This phrase was made famous and popularized by the great Domingo Ayala.
Pushy Nerd: "Hey you got an F on that 500 point project that determines 3/4 of our second semester grade. Hahahaha."

You: Hay Coño!
by tarduno April 23, 2011
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this is the spanish version of "butterface."

it implies that when a person sees someone with a great body their first reaction is to exclaim "coño!" (damn!) but the second later when they see their ugly face, they'll exclaim "carajo!" (shit!)
- *checking out a real hot body* "coño!!"
*sees face* "ay! carajo!"

- que lastima que es un coño carajo!
by sofloboricua December 19, 2009
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Jeff: Antio get to work!
Antonio: Cono!
by josiph December 3, 2003
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Se refiere al de la mujer que ha recibido una educación pésima y actúa de manera maleducada e irresponsable.
Esa tiene el coño mal mamado. Es muy mala persona
by Francis Greenland March 12, 2016
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When something is so keen for you that it's wetting itself.
This salsa is so coño de leche.
by Un cañon March 19, 2021
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I believe in one mexican
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of drugs and taco bell
of all that is, visible and unvisible.

I believe in one Lord, el goblino
the only Son of drugs,
The only begotten son of the mexican,
taco bell from taco bell, baja blast from baja blast,
true cono from true cono,
begotten, not made,
of one essence with the cartel.
By whom all drugs and taco bells were made
and without him was not anything in heaven
or mexico made.
he came down from heaven:
Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven.
Was made mexican and was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and from Holy Virign Mary.
Became mexican, was crucified For our sake in the days of Pontius Pilate;
suffered, died,was buried
And he rose from the dead on the third day as written
in the holy Scriptures;
ascended in glory into mexico
sat at the right hand of his baja blast
and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,

We believe in the taco bell the life giving tacos
who proceeded from the mexico we worship and glorify Him with the father and the son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
Who was spoken through the mexicans.
And we believe in one holy taco bell.
And we believe in one baptism in the baja for the remission of sins.
and we wait for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life to come,
world without end
in the name of el goblino los drugs y los taco bell santos
El Goblino Del Coño is our lord and savior.
by Golden halo August 18, 2021
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Jesus, why did you eat that donkey pussy? Can't you have enough ass on your own fucking?

Sir, you have your own boobs! Why are you licking the donkey's nipple?
That donkey dick seems to be evasive! What with the donkey that ate you in the ass!
Sucking another guy's pussy

SPANISH STUDENT: Jesús, ¿por qué te comiste ese coño de burro? ¿no puedes tener suficiente culo en tu propio puto?

¡ Señor, tiene sus propias tetas! ¿por qué Lames el pezón del burro?
¡ esa pija de burro parece ser evasiva! ¡ Qué con el burro que te comió en el culo!
Chupar el coño de otro chico

by weedhead11111111111111111 February 28, 2018
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