Catholic. You go to church on Saturday night, get your church on. Then Sunday start your new week of debauchery and sinful living. Spoof on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Michelle to her co-worker: "I'd like to invite you to church this Sunday."
Betty: "Thank You, what church do you go to?"
Michelle: "It's the Church of Latter-Day Saints."
Betty: "Oh, I used to go to the Church of Saturday Saints and Sunday sinners! We had bingo, spaghetti suppers with a beer garden, wine with Communion. You go to church Saturday night, look all churchy, then the next day go back to being you! Come next Saturday, get reset to zero again."
Michelle: "Oh, never mind then..."
Betty: "Thank You, what church do you go to?"
Michelle: "It's the Church of Latter-Day Saints."
Betty: "Oh, I used to go to the Church of Saturday Saints and Sunday sinners! We had bingo, spaghetti suppers with a beer garden, wine with Communion. You go to church Saturday night, look all churchy, then the next day go back to being you! Come next Saturday, get reset to zero again."
Michelle: "Oh, never mind then..."
by Turkey Trot March 15, 2011