"BTS Biot" is stands for BTS Gay. This word comes from the Phillipines (which is a trend on facebook and tweeter right now That has a hashtag of #btsbiot)
BTS is a dance group on korea
Biot comes from a "Bisaya word" which means Gay in English.
Biot is also known as a offensive word in the Philippines.
BTS is a dance group on korea
Biot comes from a "Bisaya word" which means Gay in English.
Biot is also known as a offensive word in the Philippines.
by No Offense Dictionary Reader June 8, 2021
BTS biot is a slang word originated from the Philippines and became a trend because of crybaby toxic fandom of "Army's"(Yes, their fandom name "Army" definitely strong as their odour). Biot means gay in visayan language and BTS stands for "Bulacan Toilet Services." Only chads would use BTS biot word.
"Gagstik ka lods BTS biot ka!"
"BTS biot BTS biot BTS biot BTS biot"
Guy 1: BTS biot?
Guy 2: BTS biot!
Guy 1 and Guy 2: */Nagmahalan
"BTS biot BTS biot BTS biot BTS biot"
Guy 1: BTS biot?
Guy 2: BTS biot!
Guy 1 and Guy 2: */Nagmahalan
by Naol Moments June 8, 2021
"BTS BIOT" is a term that bitches us because they can't except the fact that BTS outsold their faves.
-Yoongi stan
-Yoongi stan
by btsoutsold.staymad June 14, 2021
biot means “gay”, if u encounter a person sayin BTS BIOT please tell them that he/she is right. bts biot.
; no hUhU im an aRmy stOp saYin BTS BIOT sTop bEin hOmopHobic,,im gOn cRy stOp oTherwIse 9 billion aRmies arOund thE worLd wiLL pUnch yOu huhU T^T
: haha blah blah idc BTS BIOT
; no hUhU im an aRmy stOp saYin BTS BIOT sTop bEin hOmopHobic,,im gOn cRy stOp oTherwIse 9 billion aRmies arOund thE worLd wiLL pUnch yOu huhU T^T
: haha blah blah idc BTS BIOT
by trashz June 7, 2021
a very hateful and homophobic trend based around the k-pop group BTS in the Philippines at this moment. To drown out the definitions: YOU ARE HARMING EVERYONE. MANY ARMYS like BTS because they were literally fucking depressed or suicidal before, and BTS has helped many overcome that. It’s deeper than you fucking think.
“BTS are gay and so are the LGBTQ+ community.”
“Yeah, BTS BIOT! ARMY’s are also pathetic.”
“That’s fucked up you dumb bitch.”
“Yeah, BTS BIOT! ARMY’s are also pathetic.”
“That’s fucked up you dumb bitch.”
by NON-TOXIC HUMAN June 18, 2021
BTS Biot is something you should say only if you want to look like a complete idiot. All it does is make you look immature and doesn’t make anybody look bad except for the person who says it. It’s homophobic and childish. People who say this usually keep saying it over and over again. It’s a trend for children who have nothing better to do with their lives because they’re too young to get a job. It’s usually used by people who think that they’re better than ARMY’s/people who think they’re more mature than ARMY’s, although what they don’t know is that saying “BTS Biot” to “get a reaction” is immature. Short version: Someone who has nothing better to do/someone who has no life.
Idiot: BTS Biot, BTS Biot, BTS Biot, BTS Biot.
Person 1: That person is like a broken record, always repeating the same dumb thing over and over.
Person 2: Yeah, what an idiot.
Person 1: That person is like a broken record, always repeating the same dumb thing over and over.
Person 2: Yeah, what an idiot.
by singularitae July 13, 2021
by Bitiis June 8, 2021