
The combination of the word "bro" and "boss".
"Hey man."

"What's up bross?"
by ZacMagnum January 29, 2008
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(adj.) - A combination of the words "bro" and "gross".
Bro 1: Dude, look at Zeke standing in the corner over there chattin' up that tri-delt.

Bro 2: Yeah, I wonder if she can smell the vomit caked on his la coste polo?

Tri-Delt: You want to what? Eww, you are SO bross! (walks away)
by ap3ks September 25, 2009
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Bross hoss

A nick name for a chum or a bloke. A chum that can be characterized as small in size but big in heart. For what he lacks in pee-pee size he makes up for in heart. This also can describe someone who is a bit of a grease ball but it’s okay because it’s funny and when they fart and laugh it is grotesque but comedic relief in an awkward sitch (luck of the draw I suppose). Also this often is a bloke attracted to larger women
Big boss man: yo! Where tf is bross hoss?

Shmitty mikes: he’s probably off somewhere hiding his penis from view amongst a group of 5ft tall children. But at the same time donating his time and load to charity because he’s a good guy at heart but his heads just in the gutter.

Jay: nah!!!! Dudes probably off with some unit getting his rocks off!!

Big boss man: honestly you both are probably right cause that’s bross hoss. I mean for crying out loud!!
by Bro Jake March 17, 2023
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bross town

someone from the opposite turf thats from the east
ME:man i like boys from skyline
YOU:you bross town beezy
by REEAHB00 February 3, 2008
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Tija Bross

a loser who cant find the button to click on the sims
by Anonymous October 31, 2003
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Tija Bross

a person who goes out on Holloween..omg..i think i spelled "holloween me out?
by bingo October 31, 2003
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