After meeting up with those Belarusian Olympic Divers we went back to my hotel room and had Bronze Medal sex.
by ApricotFields June 7, 2019
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The embodyment of pure ownage. To be Bronze 18 is like being God, only Kiwi.
Zezima: I wish I was a Bronze 18! Gertjaars: Lol noob I own you.
by Herblore September 16, 2009
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Bronze - a subhuman pleb without the basic knowledge required to be normal ELO. The lowest IQ amongst adults, basically equal to an infant.
"So, you're bronze? Did you int in all your qualifiers?"
by Just some average guy February 19, 2017
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To have bronze hair it really means that you’re naturally gonna be that bitch, you have that fall look effortlessly. You’re irresistible, you reciprocate head, you will never be below average on anything. Hit me up, for real.
Yo Ethan’s beard is looking bronze, huh? God I wish that were me.

Hey did you notice that she has bronze hair? You know what they say about that! 😏
by HairyUncut March 23, 2023
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when your anus hangs down resembling a brown taco from having too much anal sex
Dammn that girl has a bronze taco down to her knees! She must be gettin it in the booty.
by Dilly Bar 11 October 25, 2010
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A watch that looks good enough to wear, but not good enough to steal.
"Man, I work in a bad neighborhood. I can't wear a gold or silver rolex!"

"What you need, my man, is a Bronze Sundial"
by Terance August 26, 2012
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Being bronze means Buying cheap And off brands Procudcts to save money.
Dude why are you Being Bronze
by Averagekotek April 13, 2023
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