to like someone as in more than friends. If you are homosexual it would then become boy/boy way, or girl/girl way. Should not be confused with the friendy way, which means that you just want to be friends.
Jake: Mike, I like you in a boy/boy way. How do you feel about me?
Mike: Jake, I don't like you in a boy/boy way, I am not a homosexual, but I like you in a friendy way.
by MerKasKatie June 23, 2005
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A sycophantic person who uses a pathetic offering of brownies to get in a girl's pants
brownie boy/girl: Hey, you hungry? I brought you some brownies - what you doing tonight?

Resposne: Ugh, brownie boy is at it again
by TTtennis03 April 25, 2011
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A gangster with a babyface. If male, the gangster is feminine, if female, the gangster is boyish.
by Solid Mantis September 15, 2019
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when you dont want to keep someones name private in a discussion
'oh boy' be talkin soo mcuh shit, he said "the only peep deanne likes r black guys"
by LoGiK December 16, 2003
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This is a person(s) that only takes a glass and a half (of alcoholic substances) to become drunk.
"Look at him/her, she/he is totally drunk"
"Yeah that guy/chick is a cadburys boy/girl"
by Peppy4320 February 4, 2009
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A 2006 movie starring Samarie Armstrong and Kevin Zegers set in the USA, but released largely in the UK. It has a kick-ass soundtrack and is ridiculously funny, well in my opinion it is.
Girl 1: Have you seen the movie It's a boy-girl thing?

Girl 2: Yes! OMG! That Kevin Zegers looks just like Zac Efron! SOOO HOT!
Girl 1: But did you like the movie?
Girl 2: Yeah, I did, and it was pretty funny too.
by IamsamasmaI September 6, 2010
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When someone is too good at something (generally video games) and the majority of the time they win.
Piss of creator boy/girl, you're too bots.
I don't want to play you, you're the fucking creator boy/girl of...
by creator boy April 4, 2016
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