When you are on a roller coaster and your adrenaline gets pumping then you get a boner
While I was at Canada's Wonderland i was on a roller coaster and i got a roller boner
by BobitaLovesBob April 30, 2015
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When your love for baloney Is to strong you become erect
I love baloney so much I have a massive baloney boner
by Meat chub December 30, 2020
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the act of snorting a bump of cocaine off of a boner
hey matthew, let's do boner bumps before we go out tonight!
by Go The Limit June 28, 2024
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When you slather your dong in chocolate so that it is lubed better and your spouse agrees to do anal, but when you finish doing it with them, they turn around and turn out to be a guy.
"Oh man, last night was WICKED! I was all ready to go and he pulled a dirty-boner on me!!"
by FatherTy April 19, 2022
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a steel bazooka boner is a dangerous one. it's harder, longer and ticker than an ordinary boner or steel boner. It's more common for Africans to obtain a steel bazooka boner.
yesterday I picked up this steel porn girl and I got a steel bazooka boner right away!
by haakonekseth July 20, 2019
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When the hood of your sweatshirt is inside out and looks like an erect penis in underwear.
Ew! Get rid of that hood boner! You're in public!
by GettinDickered March 15, 2019
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No Boner Monday is a day to challenge yourself, it is what it says.
Hey Josh! I see your boner, on No Boner Monday! WTF!
by Glunters_Exploration TTV November 1, 2020
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