She's amazing. Also used to send the 25 questions which I have no idea about.
Person 1: Eliza is the best class president ever in the whole world I praise the ground she walks on
Eliza: Wow so true here are the 25 questions
by ionlyseemygoals_ September 25, 2023
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Jacob Dickinson, the most caring, sweet, and cute guy you will ever meet.
Girl 1- what's wrong??
Girl 2- Jacob just melted my heart he's the best boyfriend ever
by Incert name here October 9, 2020
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A phrase that perfectly describes a man with the following features: specifically, he must have curly dark brown hair, a gray cat, and of Arab descent. His name must start with an A and ends with a dam.
Friend 1: Who’s the best boyfriend?
Friend 2: Adam of course! :3
by bestboyfriendhehehehhe July 17, 2023
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