a very very hot guy in a band named good charlotte also there are four other guys in the bamd billy martin (the bestest gutair player ever) joel madden (the singer) paul thomas (the bassest) and christopher willson
by iluvegcbilly92 January 10, 2005
The smart, funny, caring, GORGEOUS guitar player of the best band in the world, Good Charlotte, full name: Benji Levi Madden; Identical twin brother to G.C. frontman Joel Rueben Madden (but Benji's the cuter one).
by Yasmin Madden...ahem...Miranda March 9, 2005
Gigantic emo poseur fag, and frontman (or rather frontfag) of sub-par, emo, future has-beens Good Charlotte.
Benji Madden was resplendent in his black eye shadow, choppy hair, and gut-wrenching emotional pain last night.
by sharkjumper February 24, 2008
Guitar player of Good Charlotte. Twin brother to Joel Madden. Normal punk rock guy who needs his ass kicked every once in a while.
by Shannon April 7, 2005
by phan703 March 25, 2008
Jasmine: OMG I totally LOVE Benji Madden?
Me: Are you on crack? He fucked a whore! He sucks major balls!
Me: Are you on crack? He fucked a whore! He sucks major balls!
by SupaDupa Fag October 18, 2007
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