Playing Basketball is an excuse you can say if you get caught jerking off.

Kyles Mom: Hey Kyle what are you doing
Kyle: Ahh im playing Basketball

Kyles Mom: Oh ok ok ok ok
by Playing Basketball May 13, 2020
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When you play basketball or any type of sport / activity then you don't wash your sweaty balls and ass. Effect is greatly intensified if you have especially hairy groin.
Ew, Rudy went to sleep with basketball crotch last night and now his leopard blanket smells like sweaty ass and balls.
by lalala730 September 13, 2017
A group of individuals who are fucking terrible at what they do.
That Basketball Ref fucking sucks
by SwaggyTT February 11, 2022
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(n) where angry parents and coaches harass their children for not shooting the ball at the 3 point line when there’s a defender on them at the last 3 seconds.
(n) where angry parents and coaches verball abuse workers (score keepers and refs) for no reason or making very minor mistakes that can be easily fixed.
*the score is 16-13 (kids scores a foul shot)
*score keeper accidently adds 2 points (16-15)
angry parents and coaches stand up and scream at the score keeper immediately without hesitation

by Hubert Cumberdale February 17, 2019
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The distinct noise made by a common American household item. This often indicates the presence of an African American residing in said household. This sound can also be heard and misinterpreted as the iconic sound of a sneaker being skid across the Basketball court.
Bro 1: "Did I just hear a 'Basketball Beep' through the mic?"
Bro 2: *proceeds to obliterate the headsets of everyone in the CoD Lobby*
by BigChodeMan21 June 1, 2024
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The audible notification of a smoke alarm that has a low battery.
All of the players on the team had to mute their microphones for remote learning this morning due to the constant basketball beeps from their smoke detectors.
by edward koin June 9, 2024
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When a fire alarm battery loses battery the alarm unit will eminate a beeping sound in a specified duration letting the resident know the battery needs changing. This is widely known to affect the black community because they don't change the battery.
Yo I was just on Instagram live and this Hood man's crib was basketball beeping the entire time.
by Bryguy21 May 27, 2024
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