Fucking Basket

A person, mainly a young male, who is constantly saying stupid shit.
Ronald, stop being a fucking basket all the time.”

“Andrew was being a fucking basket in class yesterday.”
by Mikepegg7809 May 31, 2019
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Basket Weaver

The act of cleaning/ brushing ones teeth with vaginal discharge daily.
“Did you see Sarah? Her teeth are so clean. Do you think she is a basket weaver?”
by basketweaver124 November 29, 2020
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Kentucky Hot Basket

While during male ejaculation, the partner cups their hands together, catching the hot load of semen in their hands.
Dude, I gave my girl a Kentucky Hot Basket and she forgot to wash the jizz off of her hands.
by SBeckerDTD February 29, 2016
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kentucky hot basket

While in the act of ejaculating during sex, the partner cups their hands catching the warm semen.
"I gave this girl a Kentucky hot basket. It was sick dude."

"What the hell is that?"

"I finished in her hands bro. I don't think she washed them... Also it was your sister."
by SBeckerDTD April 12, 2016
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albino basket

A dumb word that can be used in any way only by Majha ‼️
by Badgirl.lit June 12, 2019
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'tips the basket'

The idiom 'tips the basket' is a recently invented phrase by one clueless Aussie teen, who legitimately thought it was a saying. 'Tips the basket' is an expression of something going too far, or reaching a certain annoying/irritating end point, but it can also be used in a positive situation.
'tips the basket' examples:

I can't believe she called me a dumb bitch, that really 'tips the basket'.
Not only did the waiter apologise for forgetting our order, but he also gave me a free latte. That really 'tips the basket'
by thatcluelessaussieteen April 18, 2019
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Gift Basket

The act of taking a poo in a wicker basket and giving it to your girlfriends husband
I gave Barry a gift basket last night, he absolutely loves it
by LRonMuhammad March 23, 2024
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