
Barretts are most commonly seen in Eastern Asia, with documented cases of migration as far as the US and outlying territories. They are known for their abnormally small phallus and distinct mating call "AHOYAHOYAHOYA". Barretts require no extravagant courting routine due to their affinity for females of the lowest standards.
"Don't be a Barrett, you can do better than her"

"The animal with the smallest phallus on earth is the Barrett"

- "WTF was that?"
- "Don't worry, it's just a Barrett"
by AsianSlayer January 14, 2021
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A kid who enjoys playing with balls, specifically Motiv ones...
by McCorkleSTan243 February 9, 2024
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Korbin Barrett

A badass motherfucker who don’t give a fuck about anyone besides himself and the second piece to his heart in high school too a beautiful mixed female with a name starting with J and ended up marrying this girl, Korbin Barrett is very talented and is very tough but has a sweet side too him but only shows it too one girl.
Wow look at Korbin Barrett such a cutie
by J Delano’s April 17, 2020
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dee barrett

An old bitch that smiles with beaver
Teeth , An doesn't melt, with a big mushroom head💩
A bitch that is old witch is Dee Barrett
by Facebook May 25, 2014
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Barrett Mceleroy

Barrett Mceleroy, haha, fag
by bowie6969 April 1, 2009
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