The place where not only can you be yourself but you can express the music you were given in your own unique way.
by musiclover_.64 February 24, 2018
by GooseyLoosey06 May 20, 2022
by dm00 August 17, 2005
A band. It's either a college or a brass band they march sometimes too, or classical band, school band, rock band, rap band, they all play a important role in ya life so be thankful.
Man wat the world be like if they had no bands. OOOOO it would be stupid boring,shitty,and ppl would go crazy and probably kill themselves.
by Trumppppp July 13, 2009
Acronym for Bitch Ass Niggas Deserve Every Disrespect. Also commonly used in online games as a synonym of "banned".
by xX_uRm0m_Xx February 21, 2015
by chickity china! May 28, 2011
To repeatedly pull back and release (snap) a rubberband against your wrist. Often used as a way to break the mental habits of self-injury, or as a "quick fix" until the normal pattern of self-injury can be followed.
by Broken the Bunny April 16, 2007