A person with tunnel vision focus on getting to the money ,making a better livin & securing the bag!
by IG:Stoner Society Clothing April 26, 2017
Simply a person that will do anything for a "bag" of dope(meth,coke,weed,heroin,etc..). Primarily busted-ass 20 yr-old looking 40 females. The kind that make you go "WTF!" when you have the distinct displeasure of running into one face to face.
Can you believe that girl? She took her 2 yr-old on the bus at 1am to go suck her dealer's cock for a rock! What a bag chaser!
by ksgirl November 25, 2010
by Mtb114 February 16, 2012
by Rmblnrd July 21, 2006
Jesse: AYO I think I’m a certified bag chaser?
Jeremy: nah ur cappin
Jesse: nah fr bro, I do decks, concrete and Christmas lights
Jeremy: aight u are not only a fucking certified bag chaser, you’re the JACK of all trades holy shit
Jesse: told you bro, gotta get GTA 6 for my menacing son
Jeremy: nah ur cappin
Jesse: nah fr bro, I do decks, concrete and Christmas lights
Jeremy: aight u are not only a fucking certified bag chaser, you’re the JACK of all trades holy shit
Jesse: told you bro, gotta get GTA 6 for my menacing son
by Anonymous1946373 July 26, 2023