
To flip someone off, also known as "the bird" or "the middle finger". Badger is the act of flipping someone off, in place of "I stuck up my middle finger" or "I gave him the bird", the verb "badger" is used.

Used to imitate the angry temperament of the animal of the same name.
"I got badgered on the highway when I accidentally cut this guy off- totally uncalled for!"

"Who's bugging you? Just badger him next time- that'll shut him up."
by Kellzisalie December 14, 2008
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The male equivalent of a cougar, i. e. an older man, past his prime cruising around to bars looking for young girls to sleep with. Inspired by the badgers reputation as being, short, squat, somewhat ugly, but with a tenacious grip. Also it's part of the weasel family.
Oh my god that Badger wouldn't leave you alone! He should iron his shirt and start dating someone over 40.
by spjork August 30, 2007
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A badger is a total of money equivalent to 7.50
by Squatting_neville November 7, 2016
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A cheater or an adulterer.

Derived from Ex Battalion member Jon “King Badger” Gutierrez who balatantly cheated on his wife.
Gossiper 1: I just saw that guy with a different girl yesterday.

Gossiper 2: Wow, what a fucking badger.
by Kinkikids April 25, 2019
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Slang word created by a late night/early morning taxi driver in reference to the female genetalia. Later used as a chant during Leeds Festival 2005 whenever an attractive female were to walk past the obscure campsite. Also used as a method of finding ones way through the sea of tents to locate the campsite at 2 in the morning.
(rather attractive woman walks past) "badger!"
(when lost and trying to locate friends back at campsite) "Badger?"
by Robj22 September 10, 2005
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Someone who is a complete know-it-all on a particular topic is referred to as a badger. This is usually used as a insult and a basic indicator to remind them to shut the fuck up.
Steve: “The ils is an abbreviation for the instrument landing system this system is used to...”

Me: “Stop being such a plane badger Steve!”
by Inflatablelovelength January 11, 2018
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A random Saying used for trolling, and 'Raiding' of Websites

Originating From the video "Badger Badger Badger"
Person 1: "hey lets raid a room!"
*Enters Stickam room*

Person 2: "What the hell?!?!? Where did all these people come from?"
by Shatnation207 July 7, 2009
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