
A very weak band. They have/had a large fan base mainly because no one these days knows what good music is. There is almost no skill involved(except for the drumming which is great). Almost anyone could pick up a guitar or bass and play half their songs. Not punk, just bad.
person 1: hey look at me im so cool because i listen to crappy music like blink-182.

person 2: shutup and listen to some music that takes a bit of skill and concentration to create.
by punk_is_dead1111 June 9, 2006
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I hate every single person who says Blink 182 sucks.
Because, they don't you've probably only heard their newer stuff which isn't half as good as their old fast-pased filled with punk riffs.

The band blink 182 was formed by two friends, Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge, who met when Tom was dating Marks younger sister Anne. When Anne told Mark that her boyfriend played guitar, the two decided to play in Tom's garage one day afterschool. That first day they started working on the song "Carosuel" which appeared on their second demo and first album. After awhile, the band realized they would need a drummer, they found local thirteen year old Scott Raynor. They trio then recorded "Flyswatter" and "Buddha" later re-releaserd in 1998. After this took place an Irish techno band said they would confirm lawsuit if the band wouldn't change their name. The band decided on Blink 182. No one really knows why they chose "182" but some various reasons are: They are the numbers that symbolize suicide, the amount of times Mark had beaten off, how many freckles Tom Had...etc.
The band was then signed to Grilled Cheese Records, since they had one a bet that they would sell over 150 copies of their 2nd demo. The cd had most of the bands songs from "Buddha" and a few extras and a few of the songs were re-done and added stuff.
The band then recorded Dude Ranch with the hit, "Dammit". The band then made music videos to the song "Dammit" and track 12 "Josie" named after a dog. After a dispute with
Scott, who wanted to take a break from the band to go to college, he was replaced with Travis Barker from the AquaBats.
The band then went on to record their multiplatnium album "Enema of the State". They had their most famous hit "All The Small Things" recorded as well as the hits "What's My Age Again", "Adam's Song", "Aliens Exist" and "The Party Song". The band was more popular that weed.
The band then re-realesed "Buddha" and did a 49 track live cd called "The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show" or "The Enema Strikes Back" including "Man Overboard" a song about Scott.
They then recorded "Take off Your Pants and Jacket" a thirteen track cd with hits such as "First Date" and "Stay Together For The Kids" and "The Rock Show". The cd also has five bonus tracks available on the unedited version such as: "I want to fuck a dog." "Grandpa Song" etc.
Blink then took a two year break, while Travis Barker and Tom Delonge started a side project called "Boxcar Racer" with two friends. The band released one CD that includes Tom's first song he ever made.
Blink in November of 2003, released their final album selftitled "Blink 182". It included their best songs ever such as "Feeling This", "Miss You", "Go", "Down" and "Stockholm Syndrome". Blink then broke up in May of 2005 after going on a world tour. :
They say they might get back together eventually.

Oh, Green Day sucks and is for posers since like half of you, who hate Blink only listen to them. Those sell outs.

by Dismer November 26, 2005
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NOT a punk band, a pop shit trio thats fan base is made up of 11 year old girls, they never were punk, punk is fast, loud, and harcore, blink 182 is none of these and never was, none of the band mambers have any sustantial amount of talent except for their drummer, for those of you who think blink 182 is punk, wake up

real punk:...fucking posers
by blink sucks, get over it April 18, 2006
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To not be punk at all.
"This band sucks, they're so blink 182!"
by Boozy400 August 28, 2006
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A pretty shit band, unoriginal and are insignificant compared to greenday.
I need a blink 182, but there is no toilet paper left
by max May 11, 2005
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Regardless of their genre, punk or not, there is one truth about blink 182 that is of importance.

They are the whiniest, most overrated group in recent history.
This stems from the sand that they have in their vaginas.
Joe: blink 182 rules!
Bill: Are you serious?
Joe: Yeah, dude!
Bill: I think i just threw up in my mouth a little.
by Dano Magnum November 6, 2006
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blink 182

A band of 3 guys who play punk music. The majority of their songs contain 4 chords - C5, G5, A5 and F5, which they put fairly catchy melodies to, which can be a hard thing to pull off for a bunch of guys who sound awful live and always make mistakes on songs such as Carosel - I mean, the bass player has to sit down to play the Intro. The drummer has excellent talent (and I enjoy drummers such as Danny Carey, Matt McDonough and Grant Collins) and should never have been involved with this sack of shit band.

Blink 182, although they can write some decent songs, are terrible. I hate punk myself, but go and listen to Frenzal Rhomb.

If you have any education or appreciation for music, you will most likely dislike Blink 182 along with the majority of real music lovers.
Person 1 - Hey, did you see Blink 182 on Friday night?

Person 2 - Yeah they can hardly play their own songs, their guitarist sucks major ass.
by zadkovich September 30, 2006
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