One of the best punk pop bands.....ever. With Mark Hoppus on bass and vocals, Tom Delonge on guitar and vocals and Travis Barker on drums. Plus they like running around naked in their videos. And Tom Delonge is the best thing since sliced bread.
by sarah February 27, 2005
A three piece band from southern California that realized they could capitalize on a music scene that was never about capitalization. Immature and unrealistic to the core, they began to make music that dealt solely with issues not about politics and rebellion, as original punk music did, but about toilet humor, like getting a boner over a friends mother or pulling pranks and blaming it on A.D.D. Their following consists largely of fake tanned, Hurley sporting, big breasted teen girls who pretend to be surfers from Hawaii, and cirrhosis-ridden meat head jocks with puka shell necklaces and muscle shirts who think the mosh pit is a place to beat the shit out of people. When they see real punk rockers, they trash on them since the concept of punk rock is lost on them completely. Blink-182 CD's are commonly heard echoing through suburban neighborhoods, but seldom heard in cities, where the real underground music scene thrives. In short it is a pathetic band marked with even bigger fan losers.
After they hear Blink-182's hit single "What's My Age Again?" coming from the window of Jenny's Volkswagen Jetta, Justin and Jeremy, two Sham 69 fans, savagly vandalize it after she parks it at the local Starbucks.
by Oi scout November 19, 2005
a band that used to be allright, but then made the music video "i miss you", in which they dress up like backstreet boys. this video is even worse than "all the small things"
by punk as fuck October 16, 2004
A shitty pop-punk band, most noted for their loser drumer who broke his arm and made some ads, before everyone just lost interest in him.
by theoneandonlygriff August 14, 2008
A stupid wannabe punk rock band that has millions of pre-teen skaterpunk rocker wannabes as fans because they were played on MTV and this retards think anything that is popular is automatically good.
Travis Barker can suck my balls, you blink pussy fans act as if he was god, because he plays with a broken arm. Ever heard of Rick Allen from Def Leppard? He lost his hand and still plays 10000 times better than that cuntis barker bitch.
Travis is NOT the best drummer either, Neil Peart is. And if you think he sucks cause he's old or played in an "ew liek omg not modern or new they must suck cause theyre old and not mainstream" band, FUCK YOU. These guys are legends.
You idiots need to know something about REAL PUNK MUSIC. RAMONES, DEAD KENNEDIES, MISFITS, CLASH, SEX PISTOLS, NEW YORK DOLLS, BLACK FLAG etc. These are the punk legends, and face it, theres no more punk anymore, PUNK is DEAD.
And Punk riffs dont make a punk rock song, the people themselves do.
Travis Barker can suck my balls, you blink pussy fans act as if he was god, because he plays with a broken arm. Ever heard of Rick Allen from Def Leppard? He lost his hand and still plays 10000 times better than that cuntis barker bitch.
Travis is NOT the best drummer either, Neil Peart is. And if you think he sucks cause he's old or played in an "ew liek omg not modern or new they must suck cause theyre old and not mainstream" band, FUCK YOU. These guys are legends.
You idiots need to know something about REAL PUNK MUSIC. RAMONES, DEAD KENNEDIES, MISFITS, CLASH, SEX PISTOLS, NEW YORK DOLLS, BLACK FLAG etc. These are the punk legends, and face it, theres no more punk anymore, PUNK is DEAD.
And Punk riffs dont make a punk rock song, the people themselves do.
xXpunkSkaT8r4Ever: liek, omg, u guys need to listen to poor travis from blink 182 the greatest pnk band ever, playing, with a broken hand!!! im gonna cry now, hes the best drummer ever and SO punk.
punkisdead: You're a pillow biter who doesnt know shit about real punk music.
punkisdead: You're a pillow biter who doesnt know shit about real punk music.
by yermomsuckedmycock August 6, 2008
by Gogol Bordello kicks ass November 1, 2007
gay pop punk band who want to be the 2000s smashin pumpkins who werent that great actually and only loser skaters like
by indieownsyou87 April 26, 2007