It doesn't exist.

Has anyone you know ever been to Antarctica? Case in point.
by Schillster February 4, 2006
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A continent in the southern hemisphere. Argentina will probaly break the Antarctic Treaty and settle it. There is ice caps and barren land. It is not hard to live in. A country in Antarctica would most likely be suceesful.
Someone should settle Antarctica.
by Egbert October 18, 2003
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The ideal place to live, as long as you can bear the freezing cold 27/7.
The only inhabitants of Antarctica are intelligent scientists, polar bears, and our favorite flightless birds, Penguins! Screw emus!
by adsims July 15, 2005
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Where the Second Impact happened. Some crazy shit happened down there that caused it, like touching angels, or something. Who really knows? Oh, and giant light wings came out, and killed like half the people on Earth. The lesson, stay away from Antarctica people, it likes being unpopulated.
"Say Gendo, want to go down to Antarctica and fuck up the world?"

"Sure, sounds like fun!"
by Pen-Pen March 21, 2008
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A sexual move. A double mitten (see definition of mitten). Eight in the stink, two thumbs in the pink.
Some creeper snuck in my room last night while I was asleep and Antarctica'ed me. Ouch. My b-hole hurts.
by CollyG September 13, 2009
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The earth's southern most continent, known for its abundantly freezing climate, beneath which Aliens and Predators apparently battle to the death with human beings as the bait.
Antarctica is a lot like the United States of America from a modern metaphorical viewpoint.
by Limbo October 21, 2005
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