A female with ties to her community, who shows honor and respect for herself and others. A female who receives and gives support to all important people in her life; one who understands the bonds of friendship and family and holds those in high regard. A female who is short or tall, fat or thin, brunette or blonde, brown eyed or blue eyed, A cup or D cup, bald or long haired-basically, a female who embraces her unique looks and understands that she is beautiful because of the sparkle in her eye from enjoying her life; of her grin from her ability to smile through all situations; of her confident walk from knowing her own worth. An all american girl is one that every girl aspires to be, and women strive to raise.
Even when having a bad day, Rosie walked with her head high, remembering what her mother taught her of being an All American Girl.
by MyLivingOregon November 13, 2017
A girl who tries her best in all the aspects of her life, is a great supporting girlfriend and wife for her man, blonde, blue eyed, long hair, gorgeous, cute, sexy, and caring always. The all american girl is what every man wants.
by Ando Benji November 8, 2009