She is the most amazing girl in the world. She always knows how to make you smile and will do everything in her power to please you and make sure you feel loved. She is hot, fit, and has the most beautiful blue eyes with a perfect smile. I love ahnna with all my heart because she gives me her whole heart every single day and I’m so lucky
You see that girl ahnna, she’s stunning isn’t she?!
by Jbefu June 30, 2018
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she is an amazing person to hang out with there is almost never a dual time with her. she is good at telling the truth when she wants to tell the truth, she is a beastly person. ahnna is the best person ever to hang out with and i love her.
OMG i was hang out with ahnna and she was chasing ducks and spinning in circles.
I was with ahnna and it was just amazing
by chuck norris93 June 22, 2011
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an ahnna is a person who is so awesome that she frequently falls off her unicorn into a pile of glitter. She is often found with an Emily and loves the smurfs. She is smurfin' awesome. She also enjoys dinosaurs, ninja's, and Ninjasaurus Rex's. She is pretty freakin' amazing.
by NinjasaurusRexIsMe December 7, 2011
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