Aaron Burr

What the hell is wrong with Aaron Burr?
by emily37 May 27, 2017
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Aaron Burr

1. The damn fool that shot Alexander Hamilton. Used to refer to a backstabbing cunt who used to be popular but now no

one likes.

2. A fuckboi who will do anything to be in the room where it happens
1. My girlfriend pulled an Aaron Burr on me last night when she slept with my best bud.

2. I'm such an Aaron Burr. I just can't stay away from the ladies
by watastud November 30, 2017
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Aaron Burr

Aaron Burr is as much of a dick as George Eacker and would make great Hamilton killers
Aaron Burr shot Alexander fucking Hamilton
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Aaron burr

A man that had everyone he loved taken away from him. Had his one shot at becoming president ruined by someone he later shot to death in a duel. A villain made by life.
Nah he's not a typical villain. He's a Aaron Burr.
by HamiltonStan November 3, 2017
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Aaron burr

The fucking idiot who killed ALEXANDER HAMILTON THE BEST PERSON IN THE FUCKING WORLD just because he wanted to be president the idiot who had the cutest child called Theodosa what I'm in love with and the fucking cunt who every one should hate
Oh your such a Aaron burr
by Hamiltonlover February 19, 2018
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Aaron burr

A man that has high expectations for EVERYTHING.

oh he shot Hamilton btw.
You: "Ima clime this mountain-"
You: "-"
by AkwardRacoon:) December 14, 2021
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