Lot is a guy who is very sweet, caring, and kind. He kinds looks like Camilo from Encanto with frizzy brown hair, and brown eyes. Lot is also very smart. If you ever meet a Lot, make sure to hold on to him for a long time or try to for the rest of your life!
You: I just met this super cool guy!
Friend: Oh cool! What is his personality?
You: He's a LOT!
Friend: Omg hand onto him!
by Azalea_:) February 23, 2022
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person 1: Oi, which team killed you during the war in minecraft?

person 2: The LOT, it stands for lads on tour or something.
by Its_Ghosty_ May 3, 2022
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A premium hazelnut chocolate with mini crunch and cookies
Please buy for me 1 choc-a-lot
by October 4, 2020
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The sexiest girl you'll ever meet. Cute, funny, skinny, amazing, and a great imagination.
by Anthony Goldizen November 6, 2016
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alcoholic beverages, usually a bottle or two of hard liquor, brought to an event for pregame consumption in the parking lot - hence avoiding ridiculously inflated drink prices. especially popular among las vegas locals.
drinks at that place are retarded expensive, meet up on level 3 for lot shots
by sick bro March 20, 2008
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An interdisciplinary term to show surprise at a thing's quantity or quality. Whether it is positive or negative depends on the accompanying expression and context. Fits almost any situation where you want to show that you're impressed.
"That's a lot of dog", admiration on hearing a fellow finance bro has made a lot on their bitcoin.

"That's a lot of dog", sympathetic, when your colleague tells you how much work they need to do to complete their assignment.

"That's a lot of dog", bonding expression when seeing the contents of a friend's shed, food cupboard, paint set or sewing kit.

"That's a lot of dog!", awe, when entering a family member's chicken coop for the first time and you can't believe there is so much egg lay.
by twocrazycats June 13, 2024
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