Dusty nuggets

Marijuana laced with Percocet or cocaine
Damn, I ain’t know shawty was smoking them dusty nuggets
by Groove City PNut June 14, 2024
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Dusty Batman

A terrible excise for not doing something that you’ve been delaying for weeks.
I totally would have, but I have a dusty Batman. I needed to polish my Batman.
by GingyX3 May 31, 2022
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crusty musty dusty

that one guy in the back of the class who's hair looks like a bird nest and always has sweaty ass hands
girl 1: that guy in the back of the class just called me a slut
girl 2: dw hes a crusty musty dusty sewer rat
by ahaha_slay_yee November 8, 2022
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Dusty Hutch

Refers to old lady bits (genetalia) This is a generic term that spans all old women.
(walking in a crowd of older folks) Oh, there goes another dusty hutch!
by Sassy Chick September 23, 2012
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The Dusty Sponge

The dusty sponge is a sexual act in which the dominator (usually male) artificially increases the size of an (usually womans) asshole to the point where he can insert a fist. He then grabs his dick and cums in her asshole, spits in her asshole and then proceeds to fist her with a sponge in his hand, collecting all of the juices he proceeds to grab her hair from behind and squeeze the sponge over her eyes.
Mark: Yo bro you see Paul do The Dusty Sponge to Robert last weekend?
Brian: Yeah bro shit was insane!
by The Dusty Sponge November 26, 2022
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dusty bird

A dusty bird is someone who thinks they are attractive on the outside and better than anyone else to the highest degree even though they do not deserve any praise because of their shallow and condescending behavior.

The term "dusty bird" came from the word dusty meaning disrespectful, unattractive, or rude, and bird referring to someone who is socially inept or lacking in sophistication behind closed doors.
He was such a dusty bird always acting like some kind of rich jerk!
by Type2GenomeManiac January 27, 2024
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dusty thumb

A mid to late 30s white male with a receding hairline, and to top it off a head shaped like a thumb.
Wow look at that bloke, he looks like a dusty thumb!
by Ladyford September 23, 2017
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