Represents a heart in online conversations, (turn your head to the right if you cant see it). Also sometimes called a heartiz.
by ||ll||lll||ll|| March 5, 2005
Back in the day (it was a Wednesday, I don't know if you knew that), a thumbs up sign was used to symbolize the male penis. Similarly, a heart was used to smybolize the female vagina. <3 does not mean "heart" or "love", it means "vagina".
When rearranged, the "<3" sign can mean various forms of intercourse:
3< = butt sex
>3 = ear sex
When rearranged, the "<3" sign can mean various forms of intercourse:
3< = butt sex
>3 = ear sex
by la_vie_boheme__ April 30, 2006
by G^2 February 20, 2007
A sideways scrotum, ballsack, skinpurse, gonads, children container. A heart? Pffft! don't you see one is lower than the other?
by asddsa April 23, 2010
by funkyfifmonkey December 12, 2009