This face represents the feeling of ehness. Or just eh.
Carson: "How was your day?"
Harold: "It could have been better :/"
by Strag July 25, 2015
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Hard one to define imo.. I guess it's
1. This sucks.
2. Whatever
3. Greeeeeeeat (sarcasticly)
Nice job :/

Bob: I couldn't get the match rescheduled
BlackRider: :/
by BlackRider April 5, 2003
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1) An agreeable response to a problematic situation in which the situation is out of the control of the responder or both parties.


2) A somewhat regretful, conflicted response to a decision already made or one that is currently being made by the responder.
Person A: I REALLY wish you didn't live so far away:(
Person B: I know.. me too:/

Person A: So you're telling me you cheated on me?! But why?
Person B: I don't know what to say:/
by knleonhart March 7, 2013
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The act of being:

1) Unsure
2) Sarcasm
3) "Yeah sure."
<Drthodt> I can program in Java
<Just1n> Sure Drthodt. :/

Also see: :) :|
by Justin April 14, 2004
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The face you use when you don't know what to say.
"Hey what can you tell me about teenage pregnancy"

by SamIsAcidic August 8, 2018
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1. Indifference or 'meh' is the best i can think of :/
person 1: dude wasnt that awesome!
person 2: :/
by just1 April 5, 2010
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Neutral Face.

It can also be represented with: ":|", ":\", "._.", ".-.", "/:", "|:", "\:", "=/", "=|", "=\", "/=", "|=", "\=", "'_'", "'-'" (Less likely to be used: "-_-", "๐Ÿ˜", "๐Ÿ˜‘", ": |", "| :", ":-|", "|-:", etc.)

Its reputation has been growing rapidly since 2020 due to the amount of "unfunny" and craps on the internet. Neutral faces can be commonly seen all over the internet.

The general purpose or meaning of neutral face is to show that you are currently feeling neutral, annoyed, or feeling disgusted (it can also be used in jokes but the probability is very low), BUT, neutral faces does NOT represent happiness, sadness, anger, fear, or anything that usually doesn't represent neutral in other people's expression when events occurred. Many people have misunderstood the general meaning and purpose of neutral faces.

If the sentence and the usage of neutral faces did not match, people would be obfuscated or confused about what emotion you are trying to express. It may be problematic because this may occur conflict or commuting dysfunction and may become harder to resolve. But due to current days' standards, it's rarely criticized and highly normalized on the internet.

So it is best to use it when necessary, know where to use, how to use, why to use, and when to use, and don't overuse it everywhere.

Or best not to use it.
Here's an example of what an average server looked like when you joined the server:
You: "Hello"
Everyone else: ":////////////////:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._. no :/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" "my father died ://" "OMG I HAVE FINALLY BEAT THE GAME!!!!!! :///////////" "my tt only get 155k likes :///" "My girlfriend broke up with me... :/" "AAAAAAAAAA THIS IS SCARY :/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" ":/" "._." "._." "._." "._." "._." "._." "._." "._." "._." "๐Ÿ˜" "shut up:/" ":/hello everyone" "i need help ://" "ayo ://" "KIDS GAME ://///////" ":/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/" "i am hungry :/" "stop being rude :///" ""๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“" :/" "://///////" ":|" "not funny :/" ":)" ":///////////////" "._. ._. ._."
by NobleAmythysT July 15, 2022
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