12 definitions by zwibble de jah jah

A term for getting high on marijuana used in Vermont. Don't ask me why they add the word "up". I couldn't explain it any more than I could tell you how they thought of the expression cabbage night.
A: Man, I can't stay awake anymore. I am about to meet the table with my head.

B: Wow, you must be pretty stoned up.

A: *bonk*
by zwibble de jah jah November 1, 2006
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Acronym for the Phish song, "Punch you in the eye."
Oh, Wilson, someday I'll
kill you til you die,
Oh, Wilson, PYITE !
by zwibble de jah jah August 28, 2007
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CEO --> C.ash E.quals O.rgasm. The CEO of the corporation likes money. Likey likey money. Makey lotta money.
The CEO hired an 'efficiency expert' who determined that me and my 99 closest coworkers should be outsourced to save the company some money each year. I think he is more motivated by money than responsibility to his employees welfare.
by zwibble de jah jah April 24, 2007
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A term to express the sensation of looking at someone hot. Suggesting that a mere glance at the hot assed be-atch could be so sexually arousing, as to cause the tissue in your eyes to become erect.
Dude, don't look now, but there's a total hawtie right behind you.

Okay, tell me when I can look.

Okay look now.

Holy shit, dude. Hawt as fuck! I just got an eyeboner.
by zwibble de jah jah July 19, 2006
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Experiencing the effects of drinking significant quantities of alcohol.
I told Arnold that I would be right over to his place, but I was so beer fucked that I couldn't put my pants on.
by zwibble de jah jah June 26, 2006
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