15 definitions by ur mum
A move performed by Siloo while pretending to be a wrestler. Other words include "Dho" which can also be spelt "Doh"
by ur mum September 6, 2003
When your high as shit and you do something stupid and try to yell Jesus but was falling at the same time so you yelled yesus.
by ur mum July 4, 2018
by ur mum April 10, 2003
dude, you got anal beans in your ass or sumpin, cuz you sure are jumping around with orgasmic sounds
by ur mum February 27, 2004
by ur mum April 18, 2018
mistaken for a bunch of troubled metal head teenagers who are obsessed with death and suicide. this is totally wrong and is just some stupid steriotype given to them by dumbasses such as townies. goths are normally just normal people who like to dress in their own kind of style, rather than the mundane crap we see everyday. goths are quite confident and are never afraid to laugh at themselves. goths normally have a open mind to alot of things instead of being closed mind twats who wont try anything else but what every1 else is doing
by ur mum November 7, 2004