3 definitions by the guhllies.

1. A prettymuch rad show, popular in the 90's, about a teenage witch, who lives a relatively normal life, learning lessons through her magic.
1. I'm Sabrina the teenage witch and I basically used to accidentally turn people into pineapples, but now I can toadally whip yo ass with Truth Sprinkles and stuffff. <3
by the guhllies. October 22, 2005
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cattail ninjas

1. Some rad girlie band from Portland, Maine.
2. Ninjas that fight with cattails.
1. "Those Cattail Ninja girls are pretty rad, and so's their music."
2. "Capisic Pond is FULL of those cattail ninjas, so you better watch out, FOOL!"
by the guhllies. October 22, 2005
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1. "That's wicked assum!"
by the guhllies. October 22, 2005
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