5 definitions by terror the retard

Origin: Chinese Slang

Definition: to be gay/homosexual; the act of being gay.
Hali came out today, he is yusung.
by terror the retard April 8, 2020
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An action a person who is slightly large in size constantly. The individual dabs when completely uneccessary. Usually when sneezing or when getting an answer correct. This person also dabs at least 5 times a day.
Pooh dabbing is an act that makes John sigh.
by terror the retard November 30, 2016
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A young man with dark skin, most likely from Nigeria, who is very perverted and dirty. He tends to make random noises at random moments. He sometimes wears glasses.

(by Terrør)
That idiot over there is just like s m o k y b r o w n.
by terror the retard August 21, 2017
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The cult that worships Woosol; a lord believed to be the strongest being in existence.
My religion is Woosolism.
by terror the retard April 21, 2018
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A popular celeb known for being a gentlemen and being popular with the ladies. He frequently says he's the best at everything.
Andy Liu shouted, "AIRBALL!".
by terror the retard November 12, 2018
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