4 definitions by sunset pirate

to pull into a barrel.

to put it inside a girl.

almost any act of entrance, usually forced and/or deliberate.
puinsai you fuckin' kook!

"no woman no cry, no can puinsai."

"we're ready now, sir, you may pu your vehicle insai."
by sunset pirate March 29, 2006
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Being both ridiculous and having the characteristics of a donkey.

Can also be contracted: redonk.
That professor's fuckin' redonkulous.

That was one redonk bitch.

by sunset pirate March 22, 2006
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n. A large well shaped barrel.

v. To puinsai a large well shaped barrel.
ho, that was a fuckin shack.

That kook somehow got shacked on that wave.
by sunset pirate March 29, 2006
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A self explanitory saying. The defecation equivalent to the more popular, "piss like a race horse."
Jesus, hold on a second; I gotto shit like a circus elephant.
by sunset pirate April 9, 2006
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