1 definition by slue waste manz
wasteman: Me and shanice were mashing all weekend it was sik man.
1 month later
normal man: you know shanice is pregnant ryt...
wasteman: WTF dat aint got nuffing to do wid me man she cud have been mashing pure manz behind ma bak da weekend we were together.
normal man: But you were wid her the whole weekend.
wasteman: Bun dat it aint ma kid and even if it is i aint gonna be the one raising it, if ma dad cud jus leave so can I.
If you go down to areas such as brixton you will find alot of bois that could be classified as a wasteman.
1 month later
normal man: you know shanice is pregnant ryt...
wasteman: WTF dat aint got nuffing to do wid me man she cud have been mashing pure manz behind ma bak da weekend we were together.
normal man: But you were wid her the whole weekend.
wasteman: Bun dat it aint ma kid and even if it is i aint gonna be the one raising it, if ma dad cud jus leave so can I.
If you go down to areas such as brixton you will find alot of bois that could be classified as a wasteman.
by slue waste manz April 8, 2006