17 definitions by richard bullard barnes
The alphabite is the best bite of a meal or snack. The meal or snack is usually composed of numerous different ingredients and textures, allowing for variability in taste from one mouthful to the next. Thus, some bites are better than others and there is a particular mouthful that is superior to the rest. This superior mouthful is known as the 'alphabite.'
When eating a sandwich with crust, for instance, the alphabite could be considered the middle portion of the sandwich where you get to eat 100% meat/cheese/softbread/dressings. No crust. Thus, the 'alphabite.'
The 'alphabite' of a cookie may be the place on the cookie where multiple chocolate chips have gathered, thus giving you a high chocolate-to-dough ratio in that area of the cookie, leading to the 'alphabite', or best bite of that particular cookie.
The place on a slice of pizza where three pepperoni got stuck together resting atop an entire sundried tomato would be the location of an 'alphabite.' and so on...
The 'alphabite' of a cookie may be the place on the cookie where multiple chocolate chips have gathered, thus giving you a high chocolate-to-dough ratio in that area of the cookie, leading to the 'alphabite', or best bite of that particular cookie.
The place on a slice of pizza where three pepperoni got stuck together resting atop an entire sundried tomato would be the location of an 'alphabite.' and so on...
by richard bullard barnes July 26, 2010
After the bachelor party, I had to send all the guys feemails since I picked up the hotel and rental car. They better pay up.
by richard bullard barnes March 14, 2011
text abberviation for "As the kids say." When adults are talking they often cop to speaking in demi-adult lingo. When adults use words in email or texting like "word", "pumped", "hip", "phat", "tight" or abbreviations like "ttyl", "ROFLMAO", and so on, they should immediately follow that with "atks", to indicate that they recognize they are a) too square to actually pull it off or b) using those terms to in an ironic fashion.
by richard bullard barnes September 11, 2012
Someone who is over paid at their job, to the point that it hurts the rest of the organization. A salary albatross.
"I can't believe the Lakers gave Kobe nearly $50 million over the next two years. He's not even playing! What a salbatross."
Other examples include a number of folks w/ corner offices, Albert Pujols, Reese Witherspoon (her films return 40 cents for every dollar she's paid), and any member of the New York Knicks 2013-14 roster.
Other examples include a number of folks w/ corner offices, Albert Pujols, Reese Witherspoon (her films return 40 cents for every dollar she's paid), and any member of the New York Knicks 2013-14 roster.
by richard bullard barnes February 19, 2014
A palbatross is someone who comes over and drinks your beer (but never brings any), keeps you up all night talking about their problems (but never listens to yours), or can never return a ride to the airport (despite you giving them dozens.) You wonder why they are even your friend?
by richard bullard barnes February 19, 2014
A particular bum, hobo, vagrant, transient, or beggar who you've befriended or regularly donate to in your hometown.
That dude holding the "down on my luk..." sign outside the co-op is my hobo homeboy. I'm always happy to give him some change.
by richard bullard barnes October 21, 2010
A particular bum, hobo, vagrant, transient, or beggar who you've befriended or regularly donate to in your hometown.
That dude holding the "down on my luk..." sign outside the co-op is my bum chum. I'm always happy to give him some change.
by richard bullard barnes October 21, 2010