21 definitions by oh dear, I'm nothing to you.
The state of an object in which it is in pieces and no longer in its whole form. Most of the times when an object is broken, it cannot function properly anymore (example: a vase that has been dropped on the floor and is now shattered).
A common belief exists around the world that broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes, they can't (or won't) comprehend that some broken things cannot, or should not be fixed.
Some broken objects are only bothered to be fixed, because the fixer believes that some good will come out of it being functionable again.
Not just physical things can break. Non-tangent things like a person's resolve can end up broken after a traumatic event (i.e. my heart).
A common belief exists around the world that broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes, they can't (or won't) comprehend that some broken things cannot, or should not be fixed.
Some broken objects are only bothered to be fixed, because the fixer believes that some good will come out of it being functionable again.
Not just physical things can break. Non-tangent things like a person's resolve can end up broken after a traumatic event (i.e. my heart).
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017
This is a question typically asked by others who have noticed something off in your behavior, and care about you enough to ask it.
This question is asked to confirm that the inquired person is in a sound physical, mental, or emotional state.
The question "are you okay?" is usually met with a lie, because the person will feel that they don't need to worry the others, or that they just can't explain it, or talk about anything right now.
This question is asked to confirm that the inquired person is in a sound physical, mental, or emotional state.
The question "are you okay?" is usually met with a lie, because the person will feel that they don't need to worry the others, or that they just can't explain it, or talk about anything right now.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
This is a Mandarin Chinese phrase typically used in greeting. The term literally means "you good" ('ni' means 'you' and hao' means 'good'), but is used as a "hello" or "hi".
If a 'ma' is added to the end of the phrase, its meaning is changed to something like "Are you well?" This is also a phrase used in greeting others, as it's polite.
If a 'ma' is added to the end of the phrase, its meaning is changed to something like "Are you well?" This is also a phrase used in greeting others, as it's polite.
"Ni hao ma?"
What I like about speaking in foreign languages is that you can say literally anything, and most people won't know what in heck it means.
I also know two cusswords in Japanese
What I like about speaking in foreign languages is that you can say literally anything, and most people won't know what in heck it means.
I also know two cusswords in Japanese
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
The ultimate God. If you get a cat to befriend you and make it think spending time with you, a petty human, is worth it, you have been blessed.
Cats usually don't bother trying to be noticed by humans because they don't need to. Most wild cats are solitary, the exception being lions, as they live in prides.
Cats usually don't bother trying to be noticed by humans because they don't need to. Most wild cats are solitary, the exception being lions, as they live in prides.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
Homo sapiens. The only species so far to have slaughtered thousands of the same kind (ex. Hiroshima). Probably a major disappointment to God Himself, since they are His creation. Strangely enough, they seem to consider themselves in a category above animal, even though that's what they are.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
History is the told stories of the world, usually revolving around how one society battled/invaded/took over/had conflict with another (i.e. Americans Americanizing everything), or the internal struggles in said society.
Most noticeable (and somewhat traumatic) events of history involve lots of death, despite the fact that people die every day - just in less dramatic ways.
An example of this is the Pearl Harbor Bombing of World War II.
Most noticeable (and somewhat traumatic) events of history involve lots of death, despite the fact that people die every day - just in less dramatic ways.
An example of this is the Pearl Harbor Bombing of World War II.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017