2 definitions by lol mother fucker

One of the OG’s of the Brunches, a real latte macchiato. She can eat at all times and a shit ton, nevertheless, she still looks like a god damn goddess. She is hilarious and makes every room she is in brighter. She is cute, happy and optimistic and I think she cut her hair. She is a pleasure to be around.
“ I wish I were a Manuela”

“Manuela, lets get some pizza, pasta and some fondue for lunch”

“ I wish I had Manuela’s metabolism
by lol mother fucker December 17, 2019
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A unisex name

When it's a girl it's usually a beautiful extremely sexy awesome girl with big tits

If it's a boy they are usually hot as fuck but real jerks
Shit that chick is hot I'm sure her name is Noam !!!
by lol mother fucker January 5, 2017
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