3 definitions by hi im your average teabag
a picture of your screen, whether it's your phone's, computer, or etc.
usually used by dumbass highschool fuckboys or thots as "valid forms of evidence". EXTREMELY easy to fake.
usually used by dumbass highschool fuckboys or thots as "valid forms of evidence". EXTREMELY easy to fake.
Judge: Joe, in accordance to FBI investigations using top-level forensic techniques, you have thereby been found guilty.
Joe: B-b-b-b-but I have a screenshot!!!!!!!!
Joe: B-b-b-b-but I have a screenshot!!!!!!!!
by hi im your average teabag October 15, 2018
When a different culture adopts cultural traditions of another culture.
This's a very common process in diverse locations and open-minded people, in which multiple cultures accept and adopt others' traditions.
This's rarely a bad thing - examples of when "cultural appropriation" is when the Nazis adopted the Swastika (卍) from Indian religions and therefore gave it a bad name.
Barbaric philosophy of SJWs conclude that cultural appropriation is a grave sin. This SJW philosophy has very common traits with racial segregation, apartheid, racism, and likewise. Although SJWs believe that they're politically correct, this racist barbaric philosophy can easily be categorized under hate speech, discrimination, or racism, or in the support of thereof.
This's a very common process in diverse locations and open-minded people, in which multiple cultures accept and adopt others' traditions.
This's rarely a bad thing - examples of when "cultural appropriation" is when the Nazis adopted the Swastika (卍) from Indian religions and therefore gave it a bad name.
Barbaric philosophy of SJWs conclude that cultural appropriation is a grave sin. This SJW philosophy has very common traits with racial segregation, apartheid, racism, and likewise. Although SJWs believe that they're politically correct, this racist barbaric philosophy can easily be categorized under hate speech, discrimination, or racism, or in the support of thereof.
by hi im your average teabag October 17, 2018
people typically in their thirties or more, with nothing to do in their lives.
Can be most notably identified by:
- writing name definitions on Urban Diction
Can be most notably identified by:
- writing name definitions on Urban Diction
Timmy was smashing away on his keyboard, defining the name Jenna on Urban Dictionary: "A marvelous, exquisite manifestation of perfection within individuality... a Jenna is a reincarnation of God hersel-"
His mom busts into the room: "You've been living with me for thirty fucking years Timmy, are you not going to get a job, you fucking neckbeard?"
His mom busts into the room: "You've been living with me for thirty fucking years Timmy, are you not going to get a job, you fucking neckbeard?"
by hi im your average teabag December 29, 2020