4 definitions by fuck the fame.ˣ

'Sleeping with Sirens' is a post-hardcore rock band, that consists of Kellin Quinn, Jack Fowler, Justin Hills, and Gabe Barham. Jesse Lawson used to be part of the band, too, but in October of 2013, he parted ways with the others to pursue a life with his family and venture out in his musical career. Jack Fowler is the lead guitarist, and Justin Hills is the bass guitarist. Gabe Barham is the band's drummer. Kellin Quinn is the vocalist of the group.

1.) With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear: This album was released on March 22, 2010 by Rise Records. There are ten songs on the album, and it was the band's first official album released with Kellin Quinn.

2.) Let's Cheers to This: This album was released on May 9, 2011 by Rise Records. There are eleven songs on the album, with its most popular song being "If You Can't Hang."

3.) If You Were A Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack: This EP was released on June 25, 2012. There are five songs featured on this EP, and "Roger Rabbit" is the most popular one.

4.) Feel: This album was released on May 31, 2013. There are twelve songs on the album. Although it has gotten several good reviews, there have been some critics that this album has separated the band from what they once were.

'Sleeping with Sirens' has begun their 2013-2014 'Feel This' Tour, which started in the United States with Las Vegas, Nevada.

'Sleeping with Sirens' is an amazing band, and they have influenced thousands of people from around the world.
by fuck the fame.ˣ November 8, 2013
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Jayy Von Monroe is the screamer and rapper for techno-alternative group 'Blood on the Dance Floor'. He doesn't give a fuck about what anyone has to say about him, especially to those who bring him down, and he's very strong when it comes to standing up for one's beliefs.

Jayy is also harassed for being gay.

He is twenty three years old, with his birthday being on August 17, 1990.

Jayy Von Monroe doesn't consider himself religious. Instead, he puts his faith and belief in himself, and he is a strong promoter of self-confidence and being yourself.
by fuck the fame.ˣ November 8, 2013
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Dahvie Vanity is the main vocalist for techno-alternative group 'Blood on the Dance Floor'. Despite various legal offenses made against him, none of them have been proven. He has stated numerous times that his fans men the world to him, and he wouldn't have gotten to where he is now without them.

He is hated upon by many people, though, due to his looks and the lyrics of his previous songs. He is twenty eight years old, and his song, 'Crucified by Your Lies', is actually his way of retaliating against each of the rumors ever made up about him.

During the winter of 2012, Dahvie Vanity and Jayy Von Monroe donated a large amount of money they had earned from their sales to a developing Children's Home, where they were able to help out a lot of kids whose parents were in prison, drug addicts, or unfit for parenting.
by fuck the fame.ˣ November 8, 2013
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Kellin Quinn is the lead vocalist for the band 'Sleeping with Sirens'. He is married to Katelynne Quinn, and their daughter's name is Copeland Quinn. His birthday is April 24, 1986. Before 'Sleeping with Sirens', he was in the band 'Closer 2 Closure'.

Kellin is the savior to thousands of fans from all around the world, and his music is truly inspiring.

'Roger Rabbit', sung by Kellin Quinn and performed by 'Sleeping with Sirens', is a song they released in their EP 'If You Were A Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack'.
by fuck the fame.ˣ November 8, 2013
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