1 definition by abby tobey
A new way or piercing that can be done anywhere on the body, hence the name "dermal." You can get multiple dermals to make the shape of something, such as a star. A single dermal on the finger is also popular as a "dermal ring." It usually requires a curved piece of jewelry to act as the "anchor", the piercer slides the curved part under the skin and all that is seen on the surface is your jewel or ball. It cannot be removed by yourself, if you do it'll scar really bad, you need to have it surgically removed, or very carefully by a professional.
"Dude did you see Aarons dermal anchor?"
"Yeah its fucking queer, who gets dermals in the form of something?"
"Yeah and it bled like crazy."
"Yeah its fucking queer, who gets dermals in the form of something?"
"Yeah and it bled like crazy."
by abby tobey May 8, 2008